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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kelly Kit Activities: 3-Month Deal

from:  picture and article from

$14 for 3-Month Subscription to "Kelly Kit Art Activities"

(Delivered to Your Doorstep - a $30 Value)

Click here to order.  (Only available for 6 more days!)

When it comes to spending quality time with our kids, we love the bring art into the picture. Art play is so wonderfully therapeutic, creative, and fun! Plus, we learn a thing or two about ourselves and our kids through the art we create.

Today's offer from Kelly Kits will keep you and your little ones engaged with creative activities that teach simple techniques in the five art disciplines: painting, sculpting, drawing, print-making, and collage. These kits are designed for parents and kids; you, Mom, can demonstrate the creative processes to your kids, and then they can follow your lead!

With your 3-month subscription, you'll have access to fun and instructional support videos as well as monthly contests and drawings to win cool art stuff. And to make it even easier on you, these all-inclusive art kits will be delivered straight to your doorstep! Grab today's offer for great bonding activities that'll foster your child's creative learning and yours. These kits are great for road trips and family vacations to make sure there's never a dull moment!

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