("Really Woolly: Bible Stories", by Bonnie Rickner Jensen)
"Daniel was a WISE young man,
He loved God every day.
The king said, 'You must BOW to me!'
But Daniel said, "No Way!"
They threw him in the LION'S den,
Sure he'd be their dinner.
But God PROTECTED Daniel's life,
And he came out a winner!"
And he came out a winner!"
* Read through the poem again and have your little one 1) BOW like Daniel, 2) PRAY like Daniel, 3) GROWL like a lion, 4) PARADE like a winner.
* Remind your child that we only pray to and worship the one true God.
* Read through the poem again and have your little one 1) BOW like Daniel, 2) PRAY like Daniel, 3) GROWL like a lion, 4) PARADE like a winner.
* Remind your child that we only pray to and worship the one true God.
* Make a lion's face out of a paper plate:
* Print out this lion mask at the following website:
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