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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

5 Natural Responses to Ease Nausea During Pregnancy (& Medication Insight for Extreme Cases)

(Please note that I am not a physician.  All of my insight comes from personal experience.  For further questions, please contact your physician.)

Can you count on your hands the number of nights you were up visiting the toilet?  How many date nights did you spend on the couch curled up in a ball?  And, did your husband give you grief over the crinkling of food wrappers during the night?  Oh goodness, did you develop a deep loathing of food, though you LOVE good meals?

Four "Yes"es from me and a thousand more to follow!  With my miscarriage, I notice my stomach was a little uneasy, but when I had our daughter, I started throwing up before my 8-week ultra-sound.  Note that this time frame will vary for everyone and every pregnancy.  However, I was sick well into the second trimester.

My lifeline, Zofran.  I was offered both Zofran and Phenegran from my OBGYN, but the Phenegran made me too tired.  As a working mom, Zofran was the way to go.  If you can afford Zofran, rather than the generic, it tastes much better considering your stomach is already sensitive.  The unfortunate part about Zofran is you have to disolve it in your mouth and the taste gets old.

While medicine is a wonderful relief when your stomach is too far gone, there are other ways I found helped easy my stomach. 
  1. Eat:  This is ironic, as one usually eats less with an upset stomach.  However, I noticed when my hunger pains started, I needed to get something in my belly.  Is this ideal, "No".  You will gain more, but I chose this over throwing up for months.
  2. When Nature Calls, Go:  Don't hold your bladder or a bowel movement too long.  The longer you wait, the more uneasy your stomach will become and lead to the inevitable.  (There were times I was sitting on the toilet while throwing up on the floor.)  Avoid my mishaps if you can.
  3. Rest:  Give notice to your body and when it needs sleep.  I had to go to bed by a certain time or it would send me over the edge.  I found sleeping in later and taking naps helped wave the nausea.
  4. Lay on Your Back:  I have not done any research on this, but I have noticed when I get upset and I cannot use the restroom or do not need to eat, laying on my back immensely helps my stomach.  Too help further, I sleep on my back at night.  (Note:  If you are further in your pregnacy, you should not be sleeping on your back.  Check with your physician if questioning when this becomes a problem.)
  5. Take Deep Breathes In & Out:  If you are about to throw-up, trying breathing in and out slowly and deeply.  This helped me wave off the nausea or at least slow it down until I could get to a restroom.
If you are sick and so tired of feeling this way, I am truly sorry.  Though it is not fun, be reassured that this means your baby is healthy.  On the flip side, don't worry if you are not feeling nauseas and your baby has a healthy heartbeat.  Every pregnancy is different. 

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